Affiliate Disclosure participates in affiliate marketing and may allow third-party links to be encoded on this website. This means that we may earn a small commission when you click on or make purchases via third-party links.

We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, and as Amazon Associates we earn from qualifying purchases. We also partner in affiliate networks including CJ Affiliate, ShareASale, Impact Radius, Refersion, and Awin.

Since this blog and website’s purpose is sharing useful information on health and wellness, including diet and lifestyle tips that align with our values, we’re highly selective of the content we support.

We take integrity very seriously, in ourselves and others, and all the products we promote or otherwise link to are items we use, have used, or would use ourselves.

The resources and information we provide on this website are aligned with one purpose: to contribute to the health, well-being, sustainability, and abundance of all things.

Thank you for engaging with our content. All proceeds from purchases you make on or through this website go toward furthering the cause.