Best Natural Cleaning Products—Non-Toxic for Home & Health

Large wicker basket on a countertop packed with natural cleaning products.
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The best natural cleaning products for your home and health are clearly non-toxic, like baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and more.

One of the best things ever you can do for your home and health is embrace non-toxic cleaners. In fact non-toxic cleaning products not only support health—yours, your family’s, your pets’—they help the environment, too, which as of late is undergoing immense levels of stress.

Studies show that PFAs—’forever chemicals’ made of polyfluoroalkyl substances—are now in our oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams. They’re also in agricultural farmlands and whole slews of manufactured consumer goods.

Indeed they’ve become so prolific they’re even in the rain, mothers’ umbilical cords, our own human blood. Which is unsurprising given the enormity of their scope.

Think dishwashing soaps, laundry detergents, cleansers, polishes, floor cleaners, window cleaners, body care products, on and on—flushed down the drains and into the soil and water each day by literally trillions upon trillions of mostly unwitting consumers.

On top of that, studies show that toxic chemicals can cause disease, which is obviously bad news for the environment and living species.

So here’s a list of some of the healthiest alternatives you can use, that are not only safer for your home, but have a positive impact on the planet. 🌍

A woman holding a basket of non-toxic cleaning products, fresh herbs, and homemade solutions for a green home.

Baking Soda

Baking soda, i.e., sodium bicarbonate, is a go-to for tons of cleaning projects, including sinks, cutting boards, appliances, dishes, tough stains, tile floors.

It’s a non-toxic choice and an ideal alternative for a greener home. Great in bathrooms, too, but not on wood, stone, glass, or sensitive surfaces. It’s mild abrasive action can possibly scratch.

It also brightens clothes when you add it to laundry, and it helps cut odors. Leave a pack cracked open in the fridge as a natural deodorizer.

Brush your teeth with it, too, for a super white grin. 😀

White Vinegar

White vinegar, known for its high acidity, is a powerful natural cleaner that effectively combats germs and tough stains. Its eco-friendly options make it a popular choice for households looking to embrace green living.

In addition to its cleaning properties, it can be used to tackle lime buildup in kettles and coffee makers, freshen laundry loads, sanitize trash cans, and repel pests.

Studies show it can be just as effective as a commercial cleaner without the harmful chemicals onboard. It’s also a natural disinfectant used in hospitals and clinics worldwide.

As a healthcare worker, I rock it year-round.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, a potent natural cleaner, is a versatile solution for tackling tough stains and sanitizing surfaces. Its non-toxic and eco-friendly properties make it an ideal choice for household cleaning.

This powerhouse agent not only crushes stains, it disinfects, providing a safe and environmentally friendly cleaning option for your home and business.

Whether it’s countertops, floors, or bathroom fixtures, hydrogen peroxide works.

Bon Ami Natural Cleanser

I’m a huge fan of Bon Ami because, like baking soda, it’s a natural cleanser and whitener. It tackles tough stains and greasy surfaces but doesn’t scratch.

Its makers say this:

“We have created a household cleaner that is hypoallergenic & contains no chlorine, perfume or dye. Our multi-purpose cleaner is nonabrasive & has been trusted since 1886 to clean without scratching. Great on granite, ceramic tiles, chrome, porcelain, stainless steel, copper, cooktops & brass. We made all-purpose cleanser powder clean all surfaces and also absorb odors with baking soda.”

A large glass jar and kitchen counter full of eco-friendly cleaners, scrub brushes, and wooden cutting boards.

Castile Soap

I’m a huge fan of Dr. Bronner’s Hemp Castile Soap. I’ve been using it forever and here’s why:

It’s a natural, biodegradable, sustainable cleaning solution and highly effective—safe on surfaces, gentle on skin, and repels pests. It’s also so multi-purpose it’s one of the most versatile natural liquid soaps out there.

It smells great, too, and comes in many charming scents: lavender, rose, eucalyptus, green tea, and more.

Natural Laundry Detergent

There are tons of healthy options when it comes to laundry detergents, such as Ecos, Seventh Generation, Whole Foods 365, and more. It’s especially key to use non-toxic laundry products because detergents and dryer sheets are notoriously bad.

One study uncovered the carcinogen ‘1,4-Dioxane’ in nearly every conventional laundry detergent.

Another reports that “many laundry and household cleaning products add significant elevated risk to humans in the domains of reproductive/fertility risk; respiratory/pulmonary (asthma, cardiopulmonary disease) risk; neurological/cognitive (ADHD, autism) risk; metabolic (diabetes, obesity) risk; and oncogenic (cancer) risk.”

Here’s what ECOs says about its brand:

CLIMATE POSITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE – Not only is this laundry detergent formula effective and kind to sensitive skin, but it’s also biodegradable and pH-balanced.

100% VEGAN – Containing enough detergent for 200 loads of laundry, plant-powered ECOS Laundry Detergent is both cruelty-free and vegan, making it an ideal choice for planet-conscious households.

PARABEN AND PHOSPHATE FREE – Unlike most conventional laundry detergents, ECOS does not contain any harsh chemicals or ingredients that can pollute water when it enters the ecosystem.

DERMATOLOGIST-TESTED AND HYPOALLERGENIC – ECOS Laundry Detergent is an effective yet gentle cleaning solution for clothes that is suitable for families with skin allergies and sensitivities.

CLEAN FORMULAS WITH VISIBLE RESULTS – Since 1967, ECOS has created safer, powerful products by using enzymes found in nature. Our liquid laundry detergents are made in a carbon neutral, water neutral, TRUE Platinum Zero Waste factory using 100% renewable energy.

CERTIFIED SAFER CHOICE – Safer Choice certification means that the product perfoms well and contains ingredients that are safer for human health and the environment.

A bright and lovely laundry room with a washer and dryer, non-toxic cleaning products, and tons of plants.

Non-toxic Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets are immensely popular because they pleasantly scent your clothes. However the flip side is that whatever’s in them will likely make contact with your skin.

Which is exactly why non-toxic dryer sheets are so important. Imagine the build-up in your dryer of toxic chemicals from the wash, then dry, if you’re not green.

And if you jump into your clothes—sometimes hot from the dryer—it goes straight to your skin. The heat opens your pores up, by the way.

Happily, there are tons of alternatives to chemical dryer sheets. I like Clean People Laundry Sheets made with natural essential oils and 97% plant-based.

Here’s what they say:

  • FOR EVEN THE MOST SENSITIVE SKIN: We’ve designed our laundry sheets to be gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin. Our hypoallergenic laundry detergent is Dye, Chlorine, Paraben and Phosphate free with magic cleaning power.
  • GENTLE & INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE: Our Laundry Detergent is scientifically formulated with clean ingredients to powerfully lift stains and leave you with fresh clothing – often even more effectively than synthetic, chemical-filled liquid detergents
  • GOOD FOR YOU, GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: Our eco friendly detergent is smaller and lighter than that yucky traditional laundry detergent sold in plastic packaging. Clean People comes in recyclable paper packaging, so no more plastic jugs in the landfill and no phosphates, parabens, phthalates, chlorine bleach, artificial dyes, petroleum, or ammonia in your laundry!
  • SAFE FOR ALL WASHING MACHINES: This Septic safe laundry detergent can be used with top Loaders, Front Loaders, and HE (High Efficiency). Comes with 32 Sheets of Clean People Ultra Concentrated Laundry Detergent Sheets. Thats 32 Loads!
  • VEGAN & CRUELTY FREE: We’ll never test Clean People on animals, ever. In fact, we don’t just stop at refusing to do harm – we choose to do good. For every 96 Pack (or larger) sold, we plant a tree in your name

You can also make your own DIY dryer sheets using essential oils or natural fragrances and a natural cloth. Toss it into the dryer when it’s mid-cycle and boom—fresh & done. 💚

Non-toxic Bleach Substitute

We all know that textiles sometimes need brightening, but bleach and its active ingredient, sodium hypochlorite, can be very toxic.

Happily, alternatives are available, such as GG Grab Green Bleach Pods and Clean People Oxygen Brightener—much healthier for the environment and your home.

Baking soda also lifts stains and does its own share of lightening and brightening.

Close-up of a wicker basket packed with natural cleaning products against a bright kitchen background.

Natural Furniture Polish

What I’ve discovered when it comes to natural furniture polish is that tons of organic oils can do the trick. From coconut and avocado to a simple vegetable oil, most, when rubbed into the wood, will make it shine.

Products such as ECOs furniture polish with a base of olive oil, or Aunt Fannie’s All Purpose Wood Cleaning Spray—which is cruelty-free and EWG A-rated—are both healthy and safe.

Natural Window Cleaner

The best natural window cleaner I’ve come across is a simple white vinegar and distilled water mix. I do a half and half ratio and it gets the job done.

Non-toxic non-plastic spray bottles are also the jam.

Natural non-toxic window cleaner products include Aunt Fannie’s and Seventh Generation.

Natural Floor Cleaner

Making your own cleaning solutions not only boosts your health and the environment, it supports your bank account too. For instance vinegar and distilled water—it doesn’t get much easier than that—is a go-to on floors.

And for stains or tough spots, just grab some baking soda or Bon Ami.

And when it comes to scents, add a dab of essential oil to your mix.

Other natural floor cleaners that are non-toxic include Aunt Fannie’s Hardwood Floor Cleaner and Eco-me multi-surface cleaner.

Natural Air Freshener

The first key to fresh household air is proper ventilation. Make sure you regularly air out your home.

But when it comes to fresheners and scents, I use incense, non-toxic scented candles (paraffin-free), essential oil diffusers, and homemade bread—best scent ever!

DIY Citrus Cleaner

Another natural cleaning idea is an organic citrus spray. What makes it so cool is you can use the peels from your citrus, after eating of course, soak them in a mason jar for a couple of weeks in herbs, extracts, and white vinegar, then drain the liquid and combine it in a spray bottle with a 1:2 ratio of liquid and vinegar, respectively.

Super easy peasy and it works! And especially on tough greasy surfaces. It’s also good to grind the citrus peels in your garbage disposal to cut odors and grime.

Natural Cleaning Cloths, Sponges & Tools

There are scores of natural cleaning cloths and sponges that are great tools, including Panyee plant-based sponges that are 100% eco-friendly and biodegradable.

Kitchen wash clothes like Mioeco reusable paper towels.

A natural non-toxic broom like a heavy duty corn broom, and non-plastic trash cans and biodegradable gloves.

It’s also worth noting that eco-friendly biodegradable trash bags are a win—in sizes large, medium, and small they immensely help the environment.

And if you really need to scrub—as in hard—try a hard bristle scrub brush with Palmyra and Tampico fiber. For softer surfaces I typically use a hemp bristle handle brush.

So again, you’ll be doing yourself and your family an enormous favor by going green. You’ll also save money and help our struggling planet and its species survive. 💚

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