Sprouting & Sprout Benefits—Seed Nutrition, How To Grow

The immense benefits of sprouts and sprouting cannot be overstated, and they’re fast, easy, and inexpensive to grow.

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Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe: Low Calorie, Vegan

This strawberry banana smoothie recipe is one of many I developed back when I owned an organic food business with tons of healthy smoothie recipes I made from scratch. I called them ‘Power Smoothies,’ because that’s exactly what they are. And especially when you add nootropics.

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Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe: Low Calorie, Vegan

This strawberry banana smoothie recipe is one of many I developed back when I owned an organic food business with tons of healthy smoothie recipes I made from scratch. I called them ‘Power Smoothies,’ because that’s exactly what they are. And especially when you add nootropics.

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Vegetable Soup Recipe With Bok Choy: Vegan Gluten-Free

This delicious vegetable soup recipe is one of my favorites. It rocks tons of healthy veggies and herbs. It’s a go-to for the gut with over 18 grams of fiber and mountains of phytochemicals onboard. Paired with salad and croutons, it’s a win.

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Vegetable Soup Recipe With Bok Choy: Vegan Gluten-Free

This delicious vegetable soup recipe is one of my favorites. It rocks tons of healthy veggies and herbs. It’s a go-to for the gut with over 18 grams of fiber and mountains of phytochemicals onboard. Paired with salad and croutons, it’s a win.

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Best Homemade Salsa Recipe Ever For Fresh Tomato Salsa, GF

One would think that making a delicious salsa recipe would be easy-peasy — not that many ingredients, not so hard to do. Which is pretty much the case when you make homemade salsa from scratch. It’s one of the tastiest and most nutrient-dense dips ever.

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Best Homemade Salsa Recipe Ever For Fresh Tomato Salsa, GF

One would think that making a delicious salsa recipe would be easy-peasy — not that many ingredients, not so hard to do. Which is pretty much the case when you make homemade salsa from scratch. It’s one of the tastiest and most nutrient-dense dips ever.

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Healthy Homemade Vegan Wrap Recipe & Wrap Ideas

It’s easy to make a meal out of vegan wraps. There’s so much you can do with them. The versatility lies in not just tortillas, nori, or crisp green leaves, but what you put inside. And when it comes to that, wraps are like a suitcase. There’s so much you can pack. And they roll with every taste under the sun.

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Healthy Homemade Vegan Wrap Recipe & Wrap Ideas

It’s easy to make a meal out of vegan wraps. There’s so much you can do with them. The versatility lies in not just tortillas, nori, or crisp green leaves, but what you put inside. And when it comes to that, wraps are like a suitcase. There’s so much you can pack. And they roll with every taste under the sun.

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Loaded Baked Potato Recipe With Twice Baked Potatoes

This baked potato recipe with twice-baked potatoes makes one of the tastiest, most nutritious spuds ever. When it’s done right. And by that I mean certified organic (potatoes are heavily sprayed), preferably red or purple (more nutrient-dense), unpeeled (many vital nutrients are in the peels), twice baked potatoes (cooked, cooled, and reheated), and topped with a variety of organic, plant-based, nutrient-dense goods for a totally stacked vegan potato recipe.

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Loaded Baked Potato Recipe With Twice Baked Potatoes

This baked potato recipe with twice-baked potatoes makes one of the tastiest, most nutritious spuds ever. When it’s done right. And by that I mean certified organic (potatoes are heavily sprayed), preferably red or purple (more nutrient-dense), unpeeled (many vital nutrients are in the peels), twice baked potatoes (cooked, cooled, and reheated), and topped with a variety of organic, plant-based, nutrient-dense goods for a totally stacked vegan potato recipe.

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