Best Weight Loss Workout For Obese Beginners: Easy Plan

Four overweight people jogging on a scenic path during a weight loss workout.
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This fast and easy weight loss workout is one of the best jams ever. A powerhouse fitness hack for trimming down.

One of the best ways ever to start exercising when you’re overweight is to start walking. It’s a silky smooth action plan for the burn, burn, burn.

Studies show that walking not only strengthens your bones and skeletal system, it’s a surefire ticket to losing weight.

In fact one of the reasons why joggers and runners are usually so reed-thin isn’t because they were born that way, or that they’re closet anorexics, or that they were preemies and never achieved their maximum development (most preemies do) . . .

Nope, it’s usually simpler than that.

Walking, jogging, and running torch calories, about 100 calories a mile on a casually brisk walk. And even if you’re strolling—which you should when you first begin—you’ll still burn about 150 calories for every 30 minutes of walk-time, and those numbers add up.

They also amount to countless benefits for your cardiovascular system, immune system, blood glucose levels, and digestive tract. On top of that the more you walk the more you burn, which is exactly why your BMI (body mass index) starts to drop:

“Studies have demonstrated people who walk between 10,000 and 12,000 steps per day generally have a lower body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, waist and hip circumference, and waist–hip ratio,” says one report.  

And if the weather’s got you down—think depression and moods—exercise can help. It’s one of the most powerful mood-enhancing regenerators ever.

In fact studies show it rivals antidepressants in terms of efficacy, and without all the side effects.

According to Dr. Craig Miller:

“In people who are depressed, neuroscientists have noticed that the hippocampus in the brain—the region that helps regulate mood—is smaller. Exercise supports nerve cell growth in the hippocampus, improving nerve cell connections, which helps relieve depression.” 

And endorphins—your body’s ‘feel good’ hormones—flip a happy switch:

“Regular exercise has been shown to enhance powerful mood-elevating substances in the brain known as endorphins. These compounds exert effects similar to those of morphine, although much milder. In fact, their name (endo = endogenous, -rphins = morphines) was given to them because of their morphine-like effects. There is a clear association between exercise and endorphin elevation, and when endorphin levels go up, mood follows.”

Long story short it improves about every ailment under the sun, from heart attacks and strokes to type 2 diabetes, mood disorders, autoimmune disease, and more.

Weight Loss Workout Plan: Exercising When You’re Overweight

Close-up of a girl measuring her hips and abdomen with a measuring tape.
Cardiovascular exercise is a go-to for losing weight.

Before beginning any new fitness program it’s important to consult your physician if you take medications, have medical issues, or even if you don’t.

Kids are required to get physicals before playing sports, and it’s notably important for overweight adults.

That said, most physicians I worked with in my healthcare career highly suggested physical activities for folks with every condition under the sun.

It’s inactivity that harms health.

What Is A Healthy BMI?

If you’re wondering if you’re really overweight, you can calculate your BMI by dividing your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared, then multiplying by 703.

Overweight is defined as having a BMI between 25 and 29.9, with obese being over 30 and normal between 18.5 and 24.9.

One thing is for certain though: exercise can help you achieve a healthier BMI.

A Word About Diet

Obviously a low-calorie diet will help you lose weight faster than a diet of processed foods. I personally suggest an organic vegan diet because it offers tons of benefits for people, animals, and the planet.

In fact by focusing on foods like fruits, veggies, grains, and legumes, it’s easier to lose weight while stacking more vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and gut-healthy fiber.

Plus plant-based proteins like tofu, tempeh, and legumes provide a satisfying alternative to meat without all the saturated fat and cholesterol.

Additionally, studies show that people who follow a vegan diet tend to have lower body mass indexes (BMIs) overall. So if you’re into boosting weight loss and health, there’s that.

It’s also epic to rock healthy smoothies and smoothie bowls. They’re great for meal replacements and snacks.

Here are some of the best supplements:

How to Start Exercising When You’re Overweight

Rear view of a woman's calves and tennis shoes walking on an outdoor sidewalk.
A 30-minute walk can burn 150 calories.

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can easily be incorporated into your routine. It’s also one of the best ways ever to trim down before slamming your full body weight into jogging and running.

In fact the heavier you are, the more stress on your machinery: joints, tendons, muscles, bones, hips, your back.

Not to mention your heart, which has to struggle to keep up—though granted that’s a key part of conditioning. But not to be overdone.

And especially when along the way you’ll be flushing toxins from your adipose tissues into your gut and bloodstream, which acidifies the system and increases inflammation and oxidative stress.

So when it comes to starting out, go easy. Adjust your pace to where you’re at. Later after you’ve trimmed down you can start doing intervals like walk three steps, jog three steps, on and on.    

Just remember: You have to walk before you can run. It’s also easier to prevent an injury than heal one. So by listening to your body and doing a bit less than what you think you can do—which obviously changes over time when you’re conditioned—you’ll gradually work up. And you’ll do so safely.

It’s also important to note that weight loss and fitness gains need to be tailored to the individual. There’s not a one-size-fits-all weight loss workout because we’re not all one-size-fits-all clones.

Weight Loss Workout: Walking to Jogging

  • Again: Begin slowly.
  • Limber up. Start stretching, including your calves, before, during, and after walks or runs. There are tons of guides, videos, and tutorials on flexibility and stretching.
  • Pace yourself. I personally like to stop in the middle of a run to stretch, breathe, and catch a view. There’s a perfect little bridge where I prop one leg at a time and flex my hamstrings.
  • When you’re ready, pick up the pace. Start brisk walking.
  • Gradually increase your distance and pace.
  • Move to interval training like walk three steps, jog three steps, or walk then brisk walk.
  • Connect deeply to your body. That’s a key thing. It’ll send signals about what you can and cannot do without over-stressing your machinery: heart, muscles, joints, tendons, back, etc. 
  • Watch your breath. Inhale and exhale steadily through both your nose and mouth.
  • Monitor your heart rate. If you’re concerned, interested, or have medical issues, there are plenty of heart rate gadgets for athletes and exercise plans. You can also check out this guide on resting heart rate and its applications.
  • Warm up. I’m a distance runner so I always start at a slow pace and build, sometimes shaking my hands, rolling my wrists and neck, and loosening my arms, legs, and ankles.
  • Once you’re picking up steam and feel comfortable, up your game. Follow the same strategies of stretching and breathing as you shift to intervals of walk/brisk-walk, walk/jog, jog/run, run/sprint, walk/run, walk/sprint, etc. Mix it up. And give yourself time.

A solid exercise plan that goes the distance across decades absolutely requires a deep connectedness to your body. It’s all about what you can and cannot do without undue stress, strain, or other cautionary symptoms such as sharp pain, tightness in your arms, lungs, or chest, sporadic heart rate, blurred vison, dizziness, nausea, chills, or any other signs that something may be wrong.

Err on the side of caution. Even elite athletes have problems, so don’t overextend.

  • Dress light if you can. It feels better and your skin can breathe. However it may not be a good idea if you jog alone outside. Running at night, in unsafe locations, in skimpy clothing, or in desolate areas that were once a tad safer than they are now, is not advised. Sadly, society has changed. Treadmills and gyms? Not so much.
  • Don’t sweat it if you’re not ‘competitive.’ Plenty of folks run and workout only for themselves and for personal health benefits. Others find it meditative and healing. People who claim you’re not an ‘athlete’ unless you formally compete in high-profile events are wrong. I was no more an athlete on the college swim team than I am now running alone on a treadmill. If you workout regularly and achieve proficiency, you’re an athlete.
  • When you’re ready, add strength training. Join a gym and start pumping weights. Strength training is not only a key component of a good fitness plan, it supports cardio. Good gyms have amazing equipment, guides, classes, personal trainers, and more.
  • Cross-train. Engage in other forms of exercise such as cycling, tennis, swimming, ellipsis, stairs, dancing, whatever’s your thing. Gym machines like the ellipsis can help you lose weight during a weight loss cycle with reduced stress. It also boosts cardio and your walking/jogging/running plan.  

And by the way, to avoid lower-leg inflammation, knee pain, shin-splints, and more, right after you run or jog splash your legs down to your bare feet with ice cold water (or at least the coldest possible) for five minutes. It’s like a cold plunge for your lower extremities and works wonders.

It’s also good to hit a sauna afterwards—you can learn more here—and balance the training zones (Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 5):

Heart Rate Zones | Training Zones

  • Zone 1 is light exercise for beginners, the basics. For instance brisk walking, jogging, easy cycling that increases blood flow for 20-40 minutes at 50-60% of max heart rate.
  • Zone 2 is between 60-70% of max heart rate for 45 minutes or longer. It’s not so strenuous you’re breathless and can’t talk. It’s basically the highest mitochondrial exertion pre-lactate.    
  • Zone 5 is high-intensity 90-100% of max heart rate—you’re all in. Once trained, you should do some.        

Beginners can start at Zone 1, gradually adding Zones 2 and 5.

Just listen to your body, nail your sweet spot, then go all in. 🏃

Weight Loss Action Plans

  • Fasting and intermittent fasting. 
  • Organic plant-based diet.
  • Saunas and hot baths.
  • Cold plunge and cold showers.
  • Interval training.
  • Cross-training.
  • Increased hydration.
  • Mindful breathing.
  • Restorative sleep.
  • Stress regulation.
  • Yoga and meditation.

In addition you may want to use an infrared sauna blanket at home. I got this one years back and it rocks. Click the image or go HERE to learn more. (We may receive a commission if you purchase via our links.)

HigherDOSE Infrared Sauna Blanket clickable image with a girl in the blanket by a data list including ETL certification, 3rd party tested EMFs, non-toxic vegan, non-VOC, etc.

I also suggest taking baths. A leisurely hot soak can burn as many calories as a 30-minute walk. It also boosts cardio and the immune system. You can learn more here.

Click HERE or below to get the best soak salt ever—a highly potent magnesium from the Zechstein sea with French green clay, brown algae, ACV, and a blend of turmeric, marjoram, and eucalyptus. (We may receive a commission if you purchase via our links.)

A clickable image showing a bag of Higher Dose Serotonin Soak Salts by a scoop of crystals on a bath caddy with instructions.

Best Workout Shoes

Even though I ran in Saucony shoes for decades, lately I’ve been big on Brooks. You can get women’s shoes on Amazon here; men’s here.

Keep reading (and exercising!)

Beginner Workout Plan

Epsom Salt Bath Benefits

Cold Shock Protein Benefits

Sauna to Cold Shower

Sauna Benefits

Earthing Benefits

Nutritional Yeast Benefits

Highest Vibrational Foods

Best Bioactive Hormesis Foods

Vegan Smoothie Recipes

Vegan Diet Plan

The medical and health topics covered on the PlateofGrass website and blog have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to prevent or cure any disease. This article and its content are for informational purposes only.


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