Health Benefits of A Vegan Diet with Vegan Diet Plan

A huge loaded salad and bowl of homemade soup.
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An organic vegan diet is an optimal choice for humans, animals, the environment. It’s a rich source of fiber and powerhouse protein from abundantly nourishing plants. Vegans have been shown to have healthier weights, decreased mortality, less disease risk. And when it comes to metabolism and workout routines, veganism rocks hands down.

As a vegan biohacker and navigator of personal health and fitness for well over 30 years in the areas of nutrition, wellness, physical fitness and related topics, I can tell you that my decision to go completely plant-based—e.g., abstinence from all animal-derived products—was one of the best choices I’ve made, one I clearly do not regret, and yes, it will help you lose weight.

I personally lost tons of pounds.

Lost eczema, fatigue, and more.

Now with that being said—getting healthier is great!—here are seven additional reasons to go vegan. 

And for some folks, helping animals is key:

  • It contributes to the sustainability of life on Earth.

  • It shows compassion for all sentient beings.

  • It demonstrates, beyond principle, the desire to do no harm.

  • It’s a kindness well rewarded by optimal health.

  • It helps us mentally, spiritually, and biologically.

  • It shows intelligence and understanding of the microbiome. 

  • It’s inherently beneficial to the quantum physics of our souls, not to mention the interrelationship of all things.

In this post I want to share with you my optimal vegan plan and the principles I still follow today.

For that and a deeper dive, read on:

Vegan Diet Plan 

Top view of beans, rice, and veggies in a bowl.
Studies have shown hands down that a vegan diet rocks.

So these are the steps that I followed and still follow on my optimal vegan diet plan that enabled me to not only get healthier and lose weight, but to avoid all pharms, skip degenerative disease, and grow stronger, not weaker, with age.

They’re also what prompted . . .

  • A phone call from a doctor telling me I had the best blood he’d ever seen in all his years of practice.  
  • A 7% body fat ratio from a hydrostatic water tank that evoked the question, what on earth do you do? (Nope not anorexic.) 
  • A reversal of years of chronic pain, high blood pressure, and more in relatives and others who tried the plan.
  • A cholesterol read with triglycerides, HDL and LDL literally off the charts (in all the right directions). 
  • A longstanding healthy BMI with solid muscle mass.    

And a whole lot more.

So it goes without saying that the plan worked for me, and could also, very likely, work for you.

And all while helping Earth and living beings.

To me, that’s a real win-win.  

Here’s what Dr. Michael Greger has to say:   

“Studies have shown plant-based eating can improve not only body weight, blood sugar levels, and ability to control cholesterol, but also emotional states, including depression, anxiety, fatigue, sense of well-being, and daily functioning. Only one way of eating has ever been proven to reverse heart disease in the majority of patients: a diet centered around whole plant foods.”  

It’s also worth noting that before I went vegan I always, always took naps.    

Well boy did that turn around.

It not only gave me more energy than before, it substantially ramped my workouts.

Think running, surfing, pumping weights.     

And speaking of weight, here’s a fun fact:   

Vegans have been found to be the only Americans to average an ‘ideal’ weight.

According to this report

“The largest study ever to compare the obesity rates of those eating plant-based diets was published in North America. Meat eaters topped the charts with an average body mass index (BMI) of 28.8—close to being obese. Flexitarians (people who ate meat more on a weekly basis rather than daily) did better at a BMI of 27.3, but were still overweight. With a BMI of 26.3, pesco-vegetarians (people who avoid all meat except fish) did better still. Even U.S. vegetarians tend to be marginally overweight, coming in at 25.7. The only dietary group found to be of ideal weight were those eating strictly plant-based (the “vegans”), whose BMI averaged 23.6.”

Again: “The only dietary group found to be of ideal weight were those eating strictly plant-based (the “vegans”), whose BMI averaged 23.6.”

And that’s just one of the benefits of going vegan.   

Trust me, there are more:

“Vegan diets have been linked to the reduction of risk for multiple chronic health conditions associated with heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and obesity. Due to its potential disease prevention links, it is not surprising that vegans may live longer, as following a vegan diet is linked to reduced occurrence of chronic disease.” 

And this

“An extensive review of the literature published in The Lancet in February 2019 showed that a mostly plant-based diet could prevent approximately 11 million deaths per year globally, and could sustainably produce enough food for the planet’s growing population without further damage to the environment.”

So let’s get started . . .

1. No Meat, No Dairy, No Seafood

A delicious array of plant-based foods including lentils, pita, and tofu.
“Going vegan is the most important and direct change we can immediately make to save the planet and its species.” — Chris Hedges

So it goes without saying that a true vegan diet excludes animal and animal-derived products, e.g., seafood, dairy, all meat.

There are plenty of folks who confuse vegan with ‘vegetarian,’ and trust me, there is a difference, though being a vegetarian isn’t bad.

In fact lots of vegetarians, including Seventh Day Adventists, are healthier than most Americans. 

There are studies that have borne this out.

The difference is that most vegetarians eat dairy, which is also called ‘lacto-ovo vegetarian.’

Beyond that, they usually shun meat.

I’ve personally traced dairy products to a wide range of issues, so on that count I don’t recommend them.

Not to mention there are substitutes galore.  

2. Eat Well: Go Organic

Fresh vegetables marked organic at the Farmer's Market.
Organic foods are cleaner and healthier overall.

Going all organic is a vital component of my optimal vegan diet plan.

In order to get healthy and avoid disease, it’s important to reduce eating poisons, so food should be natural and clean.

Nowadays products are exposed to contaminants that are highly detrimental to health—think pesticides, herbicides, additives, PFAs, medications, and the list goes on.

Organics, contrarily, hold rigorous standards that are clearly superior for health.

As well as for Earth and all beings.  

Organic Food Benefits

  • Cannot be grown with synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or sewage sludge.
  • Cannot be genetically engineered or irradiated.
  • Cannot contain synthetic growth hormones or antibiotics. 

Recent reports show that polyfluoroalkyls (PFAS)e.g., ‘forever chemicals’are in sewage sludge:  

“PFAS-tainted sewage sludge has long been applied to fields as fertilizer and compost. PFAS chemicals don’t degrade or do so slowly in the environment and can remain in a person’s bloodstream for life.”

In addition studies comparing organic and conventional foods found “higher antioxidative and antimutagenic activity as well as better inhibition of cancer cell proliferation” in organics. 

The Mayo Clinic reports that . . .

“Studies have shown small to moderate increases in some nutrients in organic produce. Organic produce may have more of certain antioxidants and types of flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties. Compared with produce grown using usual (conventional) methods, organically grown produce has lower levels of pesticide residue.” 

Well those “lower levels” of pesticides and “moderate increases” in nutrients compound across time.

They’re exponential. 

Not to mention there’s plenty of evidence linking toxic chemicals to disease: 

“A growing number of studies have reported that pesticides are linked to various pathologies, including metabolic diseases (such as obesity and type 2 diabetes) [], dysregulation of the immune system [,,], neurotoxicity [], endocrine alterations, reproductive disorders [,], and even tumours [,], whereas the gastrointestinal microbiota critically contributes to a variety of host metabolic and immune functions.” 

So what really makes shopping organic so important is escaping pesticides and harmful additives, or at least minimizing them. 

Below are examples of labels you might see:  

Healthy Eating   

Examples of healthy food and sustainability labels.
When it comes to healthy eating, check labels.

We all know that labels are important for consumers in gathering information about products.

Conscientious shoppers are highly attuned to ingredients and sources of food.

3. Ditch Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners—try Stevia Instead

A wooden bowl and spoonful of stevia on a rustic board.
This vegan diet plan ditches sugar.

Avoiding sugar can be hard.

A recent study showed that around 75% of Americans eat an excess of sugar, and for some folks, it’s literally an addiction.

Sugar can be as addictive as cocaine!

So one of the best ways to solve it, if your cravings are fierce, is by using a substitute in its place.

And in my view, the best one is stevia.

Organic stevia powder is the perfect addition to any health-conscious kitchen! Not only is it a natural, zero-calorie sweetener that won't spike your blood sugar levels, but it's also organic, meaning it's free from harmful pesticides and chemicals.

I’ve been using it forever, and here’s why:

Raw organic stevia is one of the few natural sweeteners that does not raise the glycemic index (GI).

Raising the GI can cause blood sugar spikes and damage arterial walls.  

It’s also been linked to a variety of conditions that are clearly not good for health.

Think elevated blood pressure, systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and more.

So along with the benefit of a zero (0) GI, here’s why else I’m a fan of stevia:

  • It tastes great.
  • It goes a long way—a tiny amount can sweeten a cup of coffee or tea.
  • It has health benefits.
  • It can be used to sweeten just about everything under the sun.

Syrups such as maple, molasses, and agave will also impact your GI.

According to one source, consumption of simple sugars such as sucrose, fructose, honey, etc. can “significantly reduce the ability of white blood cells to destroy foreign particles and microorganisms.”

In other words, they slam immunity.

Stevia Benefits

Steamy cup of coffee by spoonful of stevia.
Stevia is sweeter than sugar with no impact on the glycemic index (blood sugar).

Stevia grows naturally in tropical climates and has been used as a food sweetener for centuries.

It’s 30 times sweeter than sugar and a tiny bit goes a long way.

According to research, stevia is helpful for “diabetic patients, those interested in decreasing caloric intake, and children.”

It’s also great for people who understand the negative impacts of eating sugar.

4. Lose Bad Oil and Fats, Including Most Saturated Fat 

Oversize ladle of oil tilted over a salad.
Studies have shown that oils can harm arteries.

There’s a common belief that particular oils are somehow a benefit to health.

But in many ways, that’s not true. 

Extracted oils, from mono to polys, are still liquid fats nonetheless.

And what they do to your bloodstream isn’t pretty.   

They’re bad for your arteries and more.  

Therefore, on my plan, they’re dramatically reduced or omitted from your diet altogether.

Here’s a word from

“Generally, oils are not healthy. Contrary to expectations, even extra virgin olive oil may impair arterial function when consumed. Other oils also have deleterious effects on endothelial function. Research confirms that ingestion of oil, no matter which type of oil or whether it was fresh or deep fried, showed a significant and constant decrease in arterial function.”

According to Dr. Michael Klaper, oils make your arteries stiff.  

He declines to suggest you eat any kind of oil as it hinders arterial dilation. 

He says this about the Mediterranean Diet:

“You may have heard or read the latest rave reviews for the “Mediterranean Diet” as an effective deterrent to heart attacks and strokes, based on a recent presentation at the International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition (1), published online in the New England Journal of Medicine (2) and reported in mainstream media. Compared to a Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) that pours a lethal stream of heavy fats, hydrogenated oils, refined sugars, and artery-injuring proteins through one’s blood stream, the Mediterranean Diet, which relies heavily on vegetables, fruits, pasta and fish, is certainly an improvement. It’s healthier because it’s a mostly vegetarian diet, largely free of red meat and dairy products.”

Pouring olive oil on your food does NOT make your meal “heart healthy.” Olive oil makes your arteries stiffer (4) and can contribute to the formation of artery-clogging atherosclerotic plaques (5) and, thus, damage the health of your arteries (6). This was demonstrated by the largely overlooked fact that both groups in the study mentioned above (2) continued to have a steady stream of heart attacks and strokes throughout its five years of tracking.”

The optimal way to get nutrients from fats is to just eat the whole intact food—from sea algae high in essential fatty acids to coconut, avocados, and nuts.

Oils are not a whole food. 

Here’s a better way to get healthy fats:      

Large bowl of salad with avocado, nuts, raw veggies.
Avocados and nuts are excellent sources of healthy fats.

Sources of Healthy Fats

  • Organic avocados.

  • Organic sprouted nuts and nut butters.

  • Organic olives.

  • Organic raw coconut.

  • Organic sprouted seeds like flax, hemp, chia, acai.

  • Sea organisms (algae, plankton, seaweeds, etc.). 

  • Organic dark chocolate & cacao. 

  • Organic tofu, tempeh, natto. 

  • Organic legumes.

For cooking I sometimes replace oils with . . .   

  • Braggs Liquid Amino Acids.

  • Vegan broths and soups.

  • Seasoned/infused liquids.

  • Organic vegan sauces and spreads.

  • Blended liquid-based concoctions (get creative).

  • Organic salsas and picante.

  • Organic vegan gravies.

  • Organic tomato sauce, marinara.

  • Organic ketchup and other condiments.

  • Organic vinegar (apple cider, balsamic).

  • Homemade jams and chutneys.

  • Organic chilies and chili.

  • Organic tamari.   

  • Herbal teas.

  • Purified water.

I occasionally add a smidgen of organic unrefined oil to recipes like pesto and hummus, but only in small amounts, and I rarely eat saturated fat. It’s linked to disease.

It’s also primarily in animal foods, so really not hard to avoid.

And speaking of foods to avoid . . .

5. Ditch Gluten and Refined Grain Products

Large bowls and spoons of grains on a board.
This vegan diet is mostly gluten-free.

Gluten and grains have a huge reputation for varieties of gut-related issues, so for the most part I leave them out.

In my experience they can cause bloating, inflammation, weight gain, mood swings, and more.

And if you happen to have celiac, forget it. 

Or a grain sensitivity that reacts.

Naturally there are options that are labeled gluten-free, but even then you’d be wise to be careful. They’re not always as healthy as they seem.

They’re frequently loaded with sugars and additives and things we’re better off without.

What’s more, they’re generally tweaked and refined, so technically, not a whole grain.

A whole grain is a food with its constituents intact—the bran, the germ, and the endosperm—the essential unrefined whole seed.

And when you eat it like that, and especially when it’s sprouted, it’s a beneficial whole raw grain.  

You can check out this post on sprouting.

As for gluten-free grains, here’s a list:     

List of Gluten-Free Grains

  • Organic quinoa.

  • Organic buckwheat.

  • Organic amaranth.

  • Organic brown rice.

  • Organic teff.

  • Organic sorghum.

  • Organic corn and popcorn.  

  • Organic millet.

  • Organic Oats (most are gluten-free but check the label).


It’s also worth noting that gluten’s a ‘lectin’ that’s been linked to a ton of conditions—leaky gut, auto-immune, and more.

So again, I just skip and avoid.

And speaking of more to avoid . . .

6. Take a Pass on Processed Foods

Girl at fast food drive-thru window.
Processed foods have been linked to over 11 million deaths a year.

Most processed foods, including restaurant and take-out, break every single rule on this plan. They’re a leading contributor to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more.

Here’s a word on eating natural foods:

“If you think about assimilation of sunlight, humans don’t take energy directly from the sun; we’re going through other sources — green plants. We should develop a diet that gets closer to the foods that provide that energy, but instead we have gone in the opposite direction with highly cooked, fried, microwaved, processed food and it’s all dead. It doesn’t provide any vitality.”

I won’t go into detail about fast processed foods because we all know exactly what they are.

However I will say this much:

Consequences of Eating Fast Food 

  • Causes oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • Linked to obesity, which contributes to disease.
  • Typically loaded with chemicals and pesticides.
  • Manufacture and byproducts harm the environment.
  • Can weaken the skin biome, causing rashes and allergies.
  • Packed with additives, preservatives, sometimes trans-fats.
  • Often tainted with drugs like hormones and antibiotics.
  • Can clog the arteries and gut.
  • Boosts aging and all-cause mortality.
  • Linked to diseases, including cancer. 
  • Can raise cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • Harmful to the biome.
  • Typically high in fats, sugars, and sodium.
  • Linked to fatigue, mood swings, hormonal imbalances.
  • Sometimes a source of microplastics.
  • Oxidized oils and unhealthy fats.

So if you want to get healthy, cut back.

Or just quit.

And . . .

7. Eat Raw Organic Living Foods  

Healthy vegetables & fruits against a rustic board.
Raw organic fruits and veggies are nutrient-dense.

Raw living foods gained momentum decades ago when they formed the basis of a lot of people’s diets, including mine. 

That’s because there’s a certain lightness and energy you get from raw organic fruits and veggies that are missing in cooked foods.

Cooking can cause oxidation, acidification, and chlorophyll degradation.  

And it wrecks enzymes.

Steve Meyerowitz says this:

“When I eat food I want to feel energetic and happy and good. When I eat cooked food, I feel tired. You eat dead food and it just doesn’t work. It brings your vibration down and your body has to wrestle with it, to get it out of the system, then you come back up. Then you eat again and it goes down again. So if you eat live food your vibration doesn’t go down; it gets higher and higher and you grow in a spiritual way.”

Personally my best source of energy comes from raw living foods. 

I noticed that decades ago when they fueled my workouts.  

Nowadays I drink grass and eat a salad a day. 

I also eat plenty of cooked foods.

That’s because some foods are more nutrient-dense when cooked and some are better raw.   

In any case, most folks don’t get enough raw.      

Here’s what a dietician has to say:  

“You’ll probably lose weight on this diet [raw foods], since most of its foods are low in calories, fat, and sodium, and high in fiber. One study found that people who followed a raw foods diet lost a significant amount of weight. You’ll also get nutritional perks. Most of what you eat will be high in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and disease-fighting phytochemicals.”

Anyway, balance is key.   

Soups and salads.  

Crudite and falafel.    

With plenty of raw. 

Benefits of Raw Foods: Live Food Enzymes

Closeup of healthy fruits and vegetables like peppers, cherries, and bananas.
A diet of primarily cooked foods can lead to disease.

Cooking foods can destroy vital enzymes required by your body to function properly.

A diet of primarily cooked denatured foods can lead to inflammation, oxidative stress, and disease.

Dr. William Philpott says this:

“Cooking foods above 118 degrees Fahrenheit destroys digestive enzymes. When this happens, the pancreas, salivary glands, stomach and intestines must all come to the rescue and furnish digestive enzymes…to break down all these substances. To do this repeatedly, the body must rob, so to speak, enzymes from the other glands, muscles, nerves and the blood to help in its demanding digestive process. Eventually the glands – and this includes the pancreas – develop deficiencies of enzymes because they have been forced to work harder due to the low level of enzymes found in cooked food…Your chances therefore of not putting a burden on your pancreas are better if you eat as much raw food as possible.”

Dr. Joel Fuhrman: “Raw vegetables and fruits are the most powerful anti-cancer and lifespan promoting foods.”

8. Optimize Healthy Vegetables 

Beautiful assortment of raw vegetables.
It’s healthier to eat more vegetables than fruits.

Most people already know that eating a healthy balance of fruits and veggies is great for health. They’re high in fiber, nutrient-dense, and nourish the biome. 

But did you know that eating more veggies than fruits is key?     

Here’s why: 

Fruit vs. Vegetables 

  • Most vegetables are more densely packed with the nutrients our bodies need. 
  • Fruits can be higher on the glycemic index: more calories, more sugar.
  • Fruit sugar (fructose) has been shown to initiate food cravings. 
  • Veggies are three-quarters more efficacious at lowering all cause mortality. 
  • Veggies make it easier to lose weight if you’re trying to trim down. 
  • Many veggies such as leaves and grass are higher in chlorophyll and other micronutrients. 

According to this report:

“Consumption of vegetables and salad proved to have a greater “protective effect” than eating fresh fruit, and consuming canned fruits actually increased the statistical risk of death, according to the researchers at University College London. The study concluded that each daily portion of fresh vegetables reduced the overall risk of death by 16 percent.”

I personally stack a 2/5 and sometimes 1/5 ratio of fruits to veggies, respectively.

Healthy Vegetables List

  • Dark leafy greens.

  • Spinach, chard, kale.

  • Red onions and leeks.

  • Garlic and ginger.

  • Beets and beet greens.

  • Carrots and carrot greens.

  • Mustard greens.

  • Dandelion greens.

  • Wheatgrass, barley grass, oat grass. 

  • Broccoli.

  • Bok choy.

  • Brussels sprouts.

  • Purple cabbage.

  • Cucumbers.

  • Cauliflower.

  • Collard greens.

  • Mushrooms.

  • Fresh herbs (cilantro, basil, parsley, etc.).

  • Arugula.

  • Chives.

  • Scallions.

  • Watercress.

  • Bell peppers.

  • Chicory.

  • Radish and radish greens.

  • Sprouts and microgreens.

  • Tomatoes.

  • Celery.

  • Snow peas. 

  • Artichokes.

  • Wasabi and horseradish.

9. Love Those Homemade Soups  

Three bowls of homemade soups and raw vegetables.
Healthy homemade soups are a mainstay.

I have no idea what I’d do on this diet without soups, soups, and more soups. They’re not only nourishing, they’re key.

Not only do they incorporate an exemplary duet when in tandem with nutrient-dense salads, they’re deliciously loaded, packed with fiber, and a smorgasborg feast for your gut.   

A mainstay of plant-based eating. 

Take a look at all these bountiful soups:

Vegan Soup Ideas

  • Red lentil soup.

  • Miso soup.

  • Potato soup.

  • Broccoli soup.

  • Vegetable soup.

  • Creamy kale soup.

  • French onion soup.

  • Vegan minestrone. 

  • Tomato arugula soup.

  • Sweet potato soup.

  • Carrot ginger soup.

  • Tofu leek soup.

  • Five-bean soup.

  • Vegan Indian Dal.

  • Curried cauliflower soup.

  • Vegan chicken noodle soup.

  • Pumpkin soup.

  • Pea soup.

  • Vegan dumpling soup.

  • Spinach soup.

  • Wonton soup.

  • Vegan broccoli cheddar soup.

  • Vegan barley soup.

  • Butternut squash soup.

  • Twice baked potato soup.

  • Cream of celery soup.

  • Mushroom soup.

  • Zucchini carrot soup.

  • Vegan chicken rice soup.

Homemade soup recipes: 

Potato Soup Recipe

Vegetable Soup Recipe

Love Those Healthy Salads 

Top view of loaded organic salad and tons of veggies.
Raw organic salads are among the healthiest foods on Earth.

Salads are one of the healthiest foods ever and key to an optimized diet.    

I eat a salad a day and here’s why:

Salad Benefits 

  • Salads are one of the best ways to incorporate a variety of mixed greens. Greens are one of nature’s healthiest foods. I usually go for organic super-greens like spinach, chard, kale, collard greens, arugula, etc.
  • Chlorophyll and other phytochemicals are native in green leaves. Saponins in spinach leaves are a powerhouse.
  • Salads are a great way to load sprouts and microgreens. They blend well and you can stack them. Broccoli sprouts are one of the most nutritious foods on Earth.
  • Salads are typically raw and packed with nutrients destroyed by cooking.   
  • Salads are loaded with fiber, which is key to good health.
  • Salads are a great base for beans, nuts, and seeds — more powerful nutrients.
  • Salads are filling, which can help you lose weight.
  • Salads are highly nourishing to the biome.    
  • Salads are a great host for homemade, nutrient-dense dressings.
  • Raw living salads are one of the best foods for the digestive tract.
  • Salads are an ideal way to obtain a variety of important nutrients in a single meal. They’re incredibly nourishing.     
  • Salads are highly alkalizing. We should always strive to keep our pH on the alkaline side.  
  • Phytochemicals in salads can help curb snacking and sugar cravings.  

Salad Ideas 

  • Super-green salad.
  • Sprouts & microgreen salad.
  • Vegan potato salad.
  • Vegan Caesar salad.
  • Vegan pasta salad.
  • Spinach salad.
  • Mesclun salad.
  • Cucumber salad.
  • Broccoli salad.
  • Macaroni salad.
  • Apple walnut salad.
  • Vegan chicken salad.
  • Vinaigrette salad.
  • Caprese salad.
  • Tabbouleh.
  • Quinoa salad.
  • Mixed fruit salad.
  • Waldorf salad.
  • Apple salad.
  • Panzanella.
  • Tomato salad.
  • Tomato and cucumber salad.
  • Bean salad.
  • Black bean salad.
  • Black bean and corn salad.
  • Carrot salad.
  • Greek pasta salad.
  • Watermelon salad.
  • Beet salad.
  • Mediterranean salad.
  • Taco salad.
  • Avocado salad.
  • Vegan tuna salad.
  • Vegan tuna macaroni salad.
  • Artichoke heart salad.
  • Brussels Sprouts salad.

 Loaded salad recipe

Vegan Ranch dressing recipe.

And importantly . . .

10. Ditch Empty Desserts and Snacks

Empty wooden table and plate with floral centerpiece.
Studies have shown that caloric restriction promotes health and longevity.

One of the most useful and validated concepts in the field of human health and longevity is the principle of caloric restriction. Studies have shown that eating less can dramatically boost health.

So instead of stacking sweets and snacks, try fasting. Or mindfully cutting back.

According to this source:  

“A new scientific study has backed up some health claims about eating less. The clinical trial reveals that cutting back on food for just 5 days a month could help prevent or treat age-related illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.”

Happily, raw organic fruits and veggies aren’t ‘empty snacks.’

The Healing Crisis

Steamy cup of tea and pen on an open journal.
Dietary changes can precipitate a healing crisis.

Transitioning from eating meat and processed foods to a healthy vegan diet can trigger a healing crisis.

According to Dr. James Thompson:

“The healing crisis is an acute reaction of the body brought about by an improvement of the vital forces, enabling them to eliminate from the system the diseased conditions and accumulations.” 

In other words, it’s like detox. Your cells have to flush. And it can take awhile before you clear.

Vegan Diet Plan 

Top view of girl in blue jeans eating a healthy green salad.
A study done by Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn found that a vegan diet caused more than 500 genes to change in three months, turning on genes that prevent disease and turning off genes that cause cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses.

So those are just 10 of over 32 steps on my optimal vegan diet plan. I’ve included some links to additions below as they’re highly applicable too.  

Again, these are things that have worked well for me, and not just for years, but decades. I’ve also watched folks with varieties of conditions dramatically improve on this plan.

It can, nonetheless, take some time and persistence to alter conditioning to meat. It can also take time to eliminate dairy, from yogurt and cow milk to cheese, though nowadays substitutes are plentiful. 

Here’s a look at some more healthy steps:

In addition:

  • Drink at least two liters of pure filtered water a day (with lemon).
  • Revamp with raw organic juices.
  • Balance with organic herbal teas.
  • Pass the Joe and cacao (infused organic coffee).
  • Eat seaweed, phytoplankton, and algae for Iodine and omegas.
  • Optimize with organic botanicals (nature’s pharmacy).
  • Go for raw, unprocessed salt (Himalayan, Celtic).
  • Strategize supplements (B12, omegas, etc.).
  • Power up with probiotics and fermented foods.
  • Create custom blends (superfoods).
  • Optimize hygiene, body care, your home. 
  • Embrace a spiritual practice (meditation, mindfulness, prayer, etc.).

Vegan Recipes & Posts

Vegan Appetizers

Vegan Breakfast Ideas

Vegan Lunch Recipes

Appetizer Dips for Vegans

Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Highest Vibrational Foods

Veganism: A High-Fiber, Biologically Optimal Jam

The medical and health topics covered on the PlateofGrass website and blog have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to prevent or cure any disease. This article and its content is presented ‘as is’ for informational purposes only.
