The highest vibrational foods are packed with phenols, phytochemicals, antioxidants in plants. But one of the primary features of a sensationally high vibrational food is ‘biogenesis.’ It rocks more frequencies than most foods can.
When it comes to high vibrational foods, everything has frequencies. Including plants and water. Including everything we eat.
In fact every cell, molecule, atom, neuron, ion, blade of grass, is vibrating. The planet itself is vibrating at a phenomenal rate. It rocks a frequency of 7.83 hertz called the ‘Schuman Resonance’ in its trips around the sun.
According to Albert Einstein, “Everything in life is vibration,” including ‘resonance,’ the vibes in foods.
Nature says “The notion of ‘resonance’ is among the most familiar ideas in science. Two pendulum clocks in resonance synchronize themselves, sound waves of the right frequency drive strong vibrations in a drum, and photons tuned to atomic transitions put atoms into excited states.”
The takeaway is that foods have vibes—like people, places, weather systems, ‘gut’ instincts.
They’re incredibly diverse.
What Are High Vibrational Foods?

High vibrational foods are drinks and edibles with a high level of ‘resonance.’ They increase energy and frequency in the body’s cells. Which in turn raises the vibrational frequencies of your entire system.
Which is why it’s important to be selective about what you eat.
What Foods Raise Your Vibrations

Foods that raise your vibrations are high in raw living phytochemicals, antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, macro and micronutrients, enzymes, chlorophyll, amino acids, and more.
Biogenic raw living foods like sprouts, microgreens, and grasses can send your vibes through the roof. Ditto for mushrooms, sea organisms, and Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat.
Here’s how one author puts it:
“When I eat food I want to feel energetic and happy and good. When I eat cooked food, I feel tired. You eat dead food and it just doesn’t work. It brings your vibration down and your body has to wrestle with it, to get it out of the system, then you come back up. Then you eat again and it goes down again. So if you eat live food your vibration doesn’t go down; it gets higher and higher and you grow in a spiritual way.”
Which is typically the case with some raw living foods because they’re bioactive. They’re closer to nature, packed with life.
And some like sprouts, grasses, and other hormesis foods are powerfully ‘biogenic.’ Meaning they literally transfer life. They boost mitochondria through centuries of physiological and environmental adaptations. And when you eat foods like that instead of dead, decaying, inanimate shells devoid of lifeforce, it ramps you up.
Constituents of High Vibration Foods
- Antioxidants.
- Polyphenols.
- Enzymes.
- Flavonoids.
- Phytochemicals.
- Chlorophyll.
- Amino Acids.
- Anthocyanins.
- Ellagic acid.
- Quercetin.
- Resveratrol.
- Glutathione.
- Lignans.
- Tannins.
- Carotenoids.
- Vitamins.
- Minerals.
- Biogenic.
According to this report:
“Phytochemicals, including polyphenolic compounds that are present in numerous plants exhibit several essential properties such as anti-inflammatory potential, DNA repair, autophagy, and antioxidant activities. . . . Several phytochemicals function to neutralize ROS [free radicals] and activate cellular antioxidant mechanisms. Phytochemicals also enhance mitochondrial biogenesis and protect neurons from toxic damage [31]. Additionally, phytochemicals can stimulate cell survival pathways by triggering many growth signaling pathways.”
Note the process of ‘mitochondrial biogenesis.’ It’s a common feature of high vibrational foods.
That’s because biogenesis is one the highest frequencies ever. It’s a physiological gateway to new life.
1. Sprouts & Microgreens

Sprouts and microgreens are among the highest vibrational foods ever. Along with grasses, they push life into cells.
According to this report:
“When you eat a sprout you are eating a tiny, easy-to-digest plant that is at its peak of nutritional value. The seed releases all of its stored nutrients in a burst of vitality as it attempts to become a full-sized plant. When you eat a sprout, you literally get the best of what a seed, be it radish, alfalfa, or any of the other edible varieties, has to offer in terms of nutrition.”
And they’re easy to grow. They rock in salads, wraps, smoothies, dressings, vegan recipes galore. You can check out my sprouting guide here.
2. Wheatgrass & Barley Grass

Wheatgrass and barley grass are also two of the highest vibrational foods. Barley grass alone can literally sustain human life.
And they’re packed with chlorophyll, one of the highest vibrational forces condensed from sunlight.
Green Juice Benefits
Fights free radicals.
Curbs oxidative stress.
Reduces inflammation.
Oxygenates the blood.
Ramps ATP.
Boosts circulation.
Improves digestion.
Revs metabolism.
Powerful enzymes.
Relieves constipation.
Balances blood sugar.
Mitigates stress.
Promotes restful sleep.
Alkalizes pH.
Detoxifies pollutants.
Supports the microbiome.
Helps heal the gut.
Is a high-fiber food.
Provides superior protein.
Boosts mitochondria.
Fights diseases.
Reduces nutritional deficiency.
Supports mental health.
Helps you lose weight.
Increases longevity.
According to Steve Meyerowitz:
“We are vibrating beings with invisible spirit–soul bodies inside us. So when you drink grass juice, what happens? It elevates your vibration and you become more aware that there is something higher going on that is not perceptible with the physical senses but which can be perceived with the higher senses which are dormant within us.”
Check out these posts to learn more:
3. Organic Herbs and Spices

Raw organic herbs and spices are among the highest vibrational foods. I keep a huge collection in mason jars and mix them up.
Eating them as frequently as possible will definitely lift your vibe.
According to this report:
“Spices may provide multiple benefits to improve chronic health issues such as cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and even improve your overall mood. Today, researchers are discovering the ability of phytonutrients in spices such as ginger, rosemary, cilantro, and turmeric to act as dietary restriction mimetics, multi-purpose drugs, chemopreventive agents and angiogenesis inhibitors, all which may help in the prevention and development of cancer. Saffron has been found to be just as effective in the treatment of Alzheimer’s as the leading drug Aricept (see here, here). Black pepper has been found to be potentially protective against cancer and inflammation.”
4. Organic Leafy Greens

Organic leafy greens are typically very high vibe. Eating a salad a day is a hands-down win. They rock in soups, wraps, avocado toast, green smoothies.
And recent reports found they’re one of nature’s healthiest foods:
“Dark-green, leafy vegetables are the healthiest foods on the planet, which is why I recommend two servings each day. As whole foods go, they offer the most nutrition per calorie. Of all the food groups analyzed by a team of Harvard University researchers, greens turned out to be associated with the strongest protection against major chronic diseases, including up to about a 20 percent reduction in risk for both heart attacks and strokes for every additional daily serving.”
In addition:
“The calcium in dark green leafy vegetables is more effectively absorbed by the body than that found in cow’s milk. Potassium from greens may be anti-inflammatory and may prevent strokes and heart disease. Greens can also provide iron and zinc, antioxidants, and magnesium, a nutrient that may lower the risk of a range of health concerns including diabetes, heart disease, and sudden cardiac death.”
5. Raw Organic Garlic and Chives

Garlic and chives are not only high vibrational foods, they’re warriors. They can crush cancer cells and more. Chives are packed with vitamin A—more than any other allium—and they’re one of the richest sources of vitamin K.
And when it comes to garlic, it rocks. According to this report:
“Of dozens of vegetables, garlic came in first against cancers of the breast, brain, lung, pancreas, prostate, and stomach, and second after leeks against kidney cancer.”
To obtain the benefits of garlic and chives, eat them raw.
6. Organic Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a high-vibe food with amazing adaptogenic properties. Most folks have heard about them by now.
The best include . . .
- Lion’s Mane.
- Cordyceps.
- Meshima.
- Chaga.
- Maitake.
- Poria Cocos.
- Reishi.
- Shiitake.
- Oyster.
I also rock Cremini/Portobello, Chanterelles, and simple whites.
According to this report:
“A review of 17 cancer studies from 1966 to 2020 shows that eating just 18 grams of mushrooms (equal to about a 1/8-cup or two medium mushrooms) a day may lower your risk of cancer by as much as 45%. Mushrooms are a powerful source of ergothioneine, an amino acid and antioxidant that prevents or slows cellular damage.”
7. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are also high vibe. They’re probiotic, bioactive, and boost the entire system.
According to one report, “Fermented foods provide many health benefits such as anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anti-atherosclerotic activity.”
Think tempeh, miso, kimchi, natto, sauerkraut, tamari, vegan kefir.
8. Sea Organisms & Algae

Tapping into the high vibes of spirulina, chlorella, and various sea organisms and microalgae will do a body good.
According to Harvard, “Spirulina boasts a 60% protein content — it’s a richer source of protein than most vegetables — and it’s also a good source of beta-carotene, various minerals, and gamma linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid.”
In addition microalgae is a bioactive food with “antitumour, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anticoagulant properties.”
9. Herbal Teas

Needless to say, most high-quality organic teas are high vibe. Their healing properties are well known.
They’re also a good medium for infusions like matcha, turmeric, gingerroot, rosemary boosts.
10. Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat

Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat is an amazing high vibe seed. Its climatic conditions of suboptimal terrains engendered strength, resilience, and hormetic compounds.
In addition to vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, flavonols, and immense prebiotics for immunity and gut health, it’s been shown by clinical studies to reduce cholesterol, blood sugar, insulin resistance, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, and more.
Long a mainstay of Asia and other parts of the world, it rocks four bioactive compounds—rutin, quercetin, luteolin, and hesperidin—and a powerhouse free-radical scavenger called 2-HOBA that’s considered pretty rare. It’s also a complete protein with all nine essential amino acids.
To learn more and get deals on the flour see Himalayan Tartary Buckwheat Benefits.
11. Raw Vegan Foods

Uncooked living plants are typically the highest vibrational foods. They pump lifeforce into cells. And they don’t make you tired or drag you down like a lot of cooked foods do.
According to Dr. William Philpott:
“Cooking foods above 118 degrees Fahrenheit destroys digestive enzymes. When this happens, the pancreas, salivary glands, stomach and intestines must all come to the rescue and furnish digestive enzymes…to break down all these substances. To do this repeatedly, the body must rob, so to speak, enzymes from the other glands, muscles, nerves and the blood to help in its demanding digestive process. Eventually the glands – and this includes the pancreas – develop deficiencies of enzymes because they have been forced to work harder due to the low level of enzymes found in cooked food…Your chances therefore of not putting a burden on your pancreas are better if you eat as much raw food as possible.”
High Vibe Seeds
In addition:
“At the foundation of the living foods concept is the seed. Filled with nutrients needed by the growing plant, and suffused with vital enzymes, seeds are the very core of life. All the energy and life of a plant goes toward making seeds. Each seed holds vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (starches) in reserve, awaiting the suitable environment to begin growing. When air, water, and a suitable temperature are provided, a miracle begins. When the seed germinates (begins to sprout) an incredible flow of energy is released.”
“In sprouts, as in other uncooked foods, all the nutrients work together in natural harmony and balance for optimal use by the human body.”
And for an optimal high. 🌱
The medical and health topics covered on the Plate of Grass website and blog have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to prevent or cure any disease. This article and its content is presented ‘as is’ for informational purposes only.
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